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We've written about breaking in New Era 5950 hats twice before. First, we suggested heat and sweat to break in the lid. We then suggested a technique involving a blow dryer. This post will suggest our boldest strategy yet - putting the hat in an oven like a batch of cookies. A word of caution - this is our most dangerous strategy for breaking in your hat, we are not responsible for your hurting yourself. Call the fire department or your mother to supervise if need be.
Alright, a brief recap. The new 5950 - with the black underbill - is made of shrink resistant polyester. The key with the old version of the 5950 was to shrink the wool on the outside of the hat, lowering the dome to make you look less like a goofball or a 75 year old manager. The key with the new hats is to shrink the plastic mesh on the inside of the hat without ruining it (or burning your house down).
Preheat your oven to 200 degrees with a cookie sheet placed inside. Once the oven hits 200, place the cap in the oven for five minutes. The metal piece on the top of the cap will become very hot if you put the cap in the oven for much longer, or at a much higher temperature than this. Once you've had the lid in the oven for 5 minutes, take it out and slowly place it on your head - making sure you don't hurt yourself - and hold the top of the front of the dome down to the shape of your head. Wait until it cools. Repeat as needed.
Have a tip for us? - email us at welldressedsportsfan@gmail.com