Tuesday, December 2, 2008

NCAA Basketball

I'm watching the Minnesota Gophers take on the Virginia Cavaliers on ESPN this evening.  This got me thinking about sports gear for basketball games.  We've discussed this from the ladies' side, but haven't talked about men's gear yet.  

Nothing looks lamer and more dated that an old, faded basketball jersey with some forgotten jerk.  In general, I avoid basketball jerseys all together.  They look cool on the court when you're actually paid or give a scholarship to play - but you look like a tool wearing one with no shirt to a game - I don't care how hot it is outside.  

In general, I think it is a pretty decent life rule to avoid being mocked on blogs run by female sports fans.  In general.

Instead, check out these performance t-shirts made by Nike.  Newer t-shirts can be pre-made with a sweet distressed look.  There are a lot of options.  I would recommend avoiding t-shirts with oh-so-clever basketball team slogans or sayings once you hit adulthood.  The Well Dressed Sports Girl and I haven't exactly come to a consensus on this last point - so we'll maybe open it up again for another post.