Opening Week. There is nothing quite like it in sports. Optimism reigns and everyone is confident that their team will be this season's cinderella story. MLB.com is offering a few deals this week on new gear for this spring.
A few thoughts on the new gear.
This shirt is fairly amusing (though ringer shirts are kind of, "I was in high school in 1999.") - but did you really have to call it the "silver fox"? Really?! My Dad is a silver fox, I don't want my shirt to be one too.
I'm a big fan of the new Majestic MLB Authentic Collection. The quality of the stuff Majestic has been making has improved by leaps and bounds over the past few years. They used to be Fila - now they are Under Armour.
Check out jackets like this if you call yourself a hipster. But you probably don't call yourself a hipster.
You can save $20 by picking up a vintage shirt from a used clothing store instead of this. That said, this is pretty damn cool.
Shiny+purple = lame.
The White Sox are planning to release a new hat as a tribute to President Obama.
Finally, it is probably cold this week where you are. Grab one of these before going to your first chilly outdoor game.
Happy baseball season everyone! Have fun!