One of our favorite pastimes is perusing Minor League apparel. With so many teams to choose from (240 teams are affiliated with the MLB) it is hard not to find team logos that suit your fancy. Minor league hats offer a way to switch it up from your favorite MLB team logo, or give you a way to just do something a bit different. Some Minor League hats are a little trickier to find than others - but we've brought together five logos that we love for this post. I think the rule for making a great minor league logo is to take something that isn't normally that menacing and turn it into something you become a little bit scared of. We've gone beyond the Cougars, Lions, Tigers and Bears in this post and found some more amusing logos.
If you're a Milwaukee Brewers fan, you have to check out this Helena Brewers hat. From my knowledge of watching old western films as a kid, I was surprised to learn they had beer in Montana. Turns out, they have a lot of beer in Montana.
The Ceder Rapids Kernal's hat is at once the ugliest and most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my life. Unlike the aforementioned Brewers, I knew they had corn in Iowa.
I'm straight up in love with this baby blue Myrtle Beach Pelicans hat. Something about an angry looking, awkward, Pelican just does it for me.
The Portland Sea Dogs, a AA affiliate of the Boston Red Sox, have long had popular minor league hats. If you're a fan of the city of Portland or of the Red Sox, wearing this lid would be a great way to switch it up a bit.
And our favorite minor league hat? Its hard not to like a team with a cowboy raccoon stealing a baseball as its logo. We will go with the Quad Cities River Bandits.
Care to dispute our choices? E-mail us at welldressedsportsfan@gmail.com