Will Brett Favre being signing with the Minnesota Vikings in the coming days? It is certainly looking like a strong possibility. So, should you buy that new Favre jersey so you can be the first one on the block with what is sure to be the NFL's top selling jersey this year?
My advice? I'd wait.
Remember that Randy Moss changed his number. Joe Montana changed his number. Brett Favre might want to wipe the slate clean after a disappointing finish in New York.
John David Booty - the QB way down on the Vikings depth chart - does happen to sport the same number as his idol, Favre. Booty would likely give up the number to Favre, if asked, but Brett may be looking to sport a new number with a new, rival team.
On the other hand, maybe you could make money on a #4 jersey in a few years. Forty years from now this stuff could be worth a lot if Favre chooses to stay retired.