A few weeks ago, I offered the following advice, wait until the ink is dry on that Brett Favre contract to buy a jersey. Well, after another retirement head fake, Favre has finally signed with the Vikings and he did end up sticking with the number four.
So - should you click your way over to NFL.com to buy that new Favre jersey? The short answer? It depends.
The longer answer? It depends on how often you wear jerseys. I'm the type of guy that only wears jerseys on gameday. When Sunday rolls around in the fall, I already have my Adrian Peterson jersey - so why would I drop another pretty penny on a player that will likely only be around for one season. Let's say you find a deal on eBay and buy a jersey for $70 with shipping and handling. If you only wear it during regular season and playoff games that works out to about $3.50 per wear. Now let's say Adrian Peterson sticks around in the league and with the Vikings for another four years (a fairly conservative estimate). The same jersey would cost you maybe $0.97 per wear.
Let me boil it down for you to a simple NFL jersey philosophy. Don't waste your hard earned cash on jerseys of grizzled free agent veterans or brand new rookies. Wait until you team drafts a player that has a breakout rookie season, then buy a jersey before year two. That way, you'll have a jersey of a great player and you'll be able to wear it for the longest amount of time.