Picture 1: Jessica Simpson sporting her boyfriend, Tony Romo's, jersey.
Well Dressed Sports Guy's Take: Jessica Simpson is so damn close to nailing it here. Plus she is hotter than that time I found a bunch of girly magazines next to a dumpster. Replace that slightly pink jersey with a more authentic looking jersey and she's got it. Jessica is clearly wearing the the women's cut jersey, which is a great call here. The long curly hair tops it off. Be warned, dressing like this at a game will get you a lot of attention. If attention is what you're going for - copy this look with your favorite player's jersey and wear it with pride.
Well Dressed Sports Girl's Take: Agreed. But come on, are you really faulting her for wearing a little pink? Jessica Simpson and her look-a-likes can wear the girly version of fan gear
without shame. A "real" version might add a few points, but this works.
Sports Guy's Response: A lot of hardcore fans complain about pink hats and jerseys, but if you're hot enough to pull it off, my guess is that even the most hardcore fan won't be complaining.
Picture 2: Bills fans tailgating.

Well Dressed Sports Guy's Take: These guys actually do a pretty reasonable job of dressing for the game. The guy on the right could consider subbing the Bill's hat for a plain blue stocking cap, but they don't commit any sins against spot here. These guys are doing two things correctly -- they are dressing for the weather and they aren't over doing it. No face paint, no shirtlessness.
Well Dressed Sports Girl's Take:
Average. They don't make me cringe, but there's no reason for a second glance, either.
Sports Guy's Response: I'll agree with your take here, lady, but part of the goal of this blog is not to look like a jackass. No second take, sure, but they avoid many of the most common crimes against fandom.

Picture 3: The Shirtless Train Wreck.
Well Dressed Sports Guy's Take: Here is a wonderful example of what NOT to do. Nothing says, "Heckle me," like an overweight, shirtless, drunk, sports fan. The terrible helmet and nipple decorations sort of make me want to jump of a bridge and break both of my ankles on my way down.
Well Dressed Sports Girl's Take: Once, I thought enthusiasm was everything. This is the exception.

Picture 4: A Bit Too Skimpy?
Well Dressed Sports Guy's Take: If you're going for reasonable attention, copy Jessica Simpson's look in picture one. If you're looking for the drunk guy in picture 4 to rub his nipples and make an inappropriate comment about your rack, this is the way to go. Dignity goes out the window here. If all you're looking for is to get on TV - oh, and you're hot - this might be the look for you.
Well Dressed Sports Girl's Take: Where are these guys' parents? Who let them out of the house. When they were 18. Seriously, they need supervision.
Sports Guy's Response: Nothing says, I'm pole dance at night and am just here for the attention by not wearing ANYTHING with your teams colors. Find a sparkling bra that says New Orleans Saints or something.

Picture 5: Straiten up that hat!
Well Dressed Sports Guy's Take: Straighten up that hat and this guy has a pretty sweet look. This would work well watching the game at a friend's place or going to the game with your girlfriend. A khaki shirt might work a bit better with the purple hat, but other than that - pretty good lookin'. Read about how to rock a crushed hat here.
Well Dressed Sports Girl's Take: This is a good laid back look for going to a game. Disregard the sports guy's take, though. A khaki shirt would be intolerable. Instead go for a classic oxford, and one without the weird chest pockets. Nice jeans, clean hat, nice watch, then you've got to finish the look with a nice crisp shirt. As long as you avoid the white hat, you can't fail with this look.
Sports Guy's Response: I would try to avoid the "I just came from work," look that so many guys fall into at baseball games. Instead, if you're going for this kind of look, wear a casual looking oxford, rather than one you'd wear with a tie to the office. Finally, be sure to roll up the sleeves.
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