There are really two breeds of football fan -- fans who are able to go to games and fans who watch the game from afar. Unfortunately, it isn't very easy to dress casually as an NFL fan, the way you can as an MLB fan. Going with a jersey for your favorite player's jersey is a good choice, but do you really want to spend the dough to buy an authentic jersey? Should you wear your jersey on your second date with that hot blond from the office, or just on gamedays?
Football, unlike baseball, does not have a low-cost casual option that looks good on most guys. While baseball hats look natural, football caps for most NFL teams look a bit too busy -- and can often look pretty stupid. If you have a NFL hat that matches your favorite team's jersey, you can wear it on gameday and actually look pretty decent. The MLB and NCAA just seems to do a better job than the NFL of offering stuff to wear that is easy on the eyes. A lot of NFL gear has HUGE logos and overwhelming colors.
Whereas the Well Dressed Sports Fan has at least a couple of great hats in his or her closet they also have at least one great NFL jersey. Instead of dropping your hard earned money on "replica jerseys" go with authentic jerseys. As an added tip, take a look on eBay for some great deals (another post on this later in the year). Replica jerseys can fade and the numbers and letters can "chip" in the wash. Authentic jerseys have sewn on letters that will last you a much, much longer time - making it worth the money. But buyer beware, a few authentic NFL jerseys, like the Bengals, contain both sewn on and printed on elements. The printed on elements, as with the replica jerseys, are likely to fade.
If you're able to go to a game in person, pretty much all bets are off. If you're looking to meet a good looking girl that is also a fan of your favorite team, it is a wise idea to tone things down a little. If you're just looking to have a good time, however, and aren't planning on going to bars away from the stadium afterword -- sure, go all out.
If you want to show support for your team on any other day of the week than football Sunday, grab a polo shirt with your team's logo. These shirts are more subtle than some of the other NFL gear and can look good at the golf course. Unfortunately, some of these polos can be a bit spendy.
Quick Tip: Wear a matching hooded sweatshirt under your jersey for cold weather. This also works to make the jersey a bit more snug if you look like you're swimming in it.
Avoid: Wearing the jersey of a player still in the NFL, currently playing for another team. For example, avoid wearing your Randy Moss jersey to a Vikings game. Snag an Adrian Peterson jersey instead. On the other hand, you'll look like a hardcore 49ers fan if you rock your Steve Young jersey on Sundays.
Also Avoid: Wearing your jersey other than on game day and during draft day. If you go to watch your team practice in the fall, feel free to sport the jersey. You also get an exemption for Super Bowl Sunday -- which is sort of like a national football holiday. Thinking about wearing your favorite jersey to your daughter's 3rd grade graduation? I promise you will look stupid.
Final take: Instead of opting for a hat or t-shirt, we recommend to go with a NFL jersey. Further, we recommend buying the authentic jersey with letters and numbers that will last a long time. Finally, sport that jersey only on gamedays 18 times a year and special events like the NFL Draft to keep it fresh.